Thursday 19 Sep 2024

Goa Police introduces BMI machines to promote health and wellbeing

| SEPTEMBER 18, 2024, 08:51 PM IST
Goa Police introduces BMI machines to promote health and wellbeing

Goa Police has launched a new initiative to enhance fitness of its officers by introducing five Body Mass Index (BMI) measuring machines, to ensure responsibilities are not compromised while maintaining health as well. 

"The health and wellbeing of our personnel is critical to the efficiency and effectiveness of the police force. The initiative is a positive step towards ensuring officers are fit and ready to meet their responsibilities," DGP Alok Kumar said addressing the large force at the launch event today. 

These BMI machines will be a vital part of the Fit Goa Police program, which aims to monitor and improve the health of police officers. By measuring BMI, the program will provide personalized lifestyle recommendations to help officers lead healthier lives and reduce the risk of lifestyle-related diseases.

The machines will be distributed across key units, including SP Headquarters, SP North, SP South, SP Training, and SP Traffic. Regular assessments will allow health experts to guide personnel on ways to improve their wellbeing.

IGP Omvir Singh also highlighted the significance of the program stating it shows commitment to creating a supportive and healthy work environment for police personnel.

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