Saturday 01 Mar 2025

Goan Catholics appreciated across globe: Cardinal-Designate

Goan Catholics appreciated across globe: Cardinal-Designate


It will be a momentous event for the archdiocese and cause for jubilation among Goans across the world, when Archbishop Filipe Neri Ferrão will be made cardinal by Pope Francis in Rome on August 27, the first-ever cardinal for the Archdiocese of Goa and Daman.

In his first interview since he was appointed to one of the highest positions in the Catholic Church on May 29, Cardinal-Designate Filipe Neri Ferrão speaks about his confidence in an active and vibrant Church in India, the challenges confronting the Church in Goa and his pride over glowing tributes towards the Goan Catholics around the world.


THE GOAN: Your elevation as cardinal is a huge honour for Goa and Goans. For a diocese to get its first-ever Cardinal since Roman Catholicism arrived nearly 500 years ago, is this a recognition of Goa’s signification and pivotal contribution to the Christian faith?

There is no doubt that the Church in Goa has played a very significant role in the proclamation of the Gospel through the East, as this was the hub from where faith-filled men and women branched out, sharing the Good News of the Gospel. Goa was actually the largest diocese in the whole of the East, having been created in 1533 and raised to the status of an archdiocese in 1558, with jurisdiction over the East Indies, up to the Far East.

Besides, many sons and daughters from the Goan soil are spread throughout the globe and have been witnessing their faith as well as playing a significant leadership role in the life and mission of the Church. My nomination as a Cardinal represents for me a greater responsibility in the service of the Church and, at the same time, an invitation to all the members of the Church in Goa and Daman to play an increased role in witnessing to their faith.

TG: As archbishop, you have led the archdiocese of Goa and Daman for 18 years. There were challenges which you addressed and resolved over the years. What are the challenges confronting the Church in Goa today and what would be your response to them?

Presently, the biggest challenge to this Archdiocese, which is common to the Universal Church, is to concretize the vision of Pope Francis, which is to build a ‘Synodal Church’, a Church that journeys together in Communion, promoting the Participation of all its members at various levels and focusing on the Mission of the Church in the world of today.

A cross-section of the members of this Archdiocese, including the laity, the youth, the clergy and the religious, was engaged recently in a truly participatory process of listening, reflecting and discerning together how we can build a ‘Synodal Church’ at all levels, starting from our families and branching out to neighbouring communities, parishes and the entire archdiocese.

TG: As cardinal, you have been elevated to the world stage and you will come into contact with several Church leaders across the world. What is it that you would like to convey to them about the Church in India, and Goa in particular?

Archbishop: I would like to convey to them that the Church in India, despite all the challenges that it has to face, is an active and vibrant Church, enriched by a diversity of traditions, cultures, languages and even Rites, and yet giving out a common witness to its faith and contributing to nation-building through its extensive network of educational, healthcare and social service institutions, which are held in high esteem by the people of our country in general.

Besides, we have a tremendous force in our priests, nuns and committed lay people, who are ready to serve and are already serving humanity with dedication, not only in our country but throughout the globe, thereby courageously witnessing to the values of the Gospel in the social, cultural and political spheres, wherever they are placed.

TG: As a son of the soil who has risen to one of the highest positions in the Catholic Church, what would be your message to Goans all over the world?

In my several encounters with Bishops around the world, I have always heard them paying glowing tributes to the Goan communities living in their respective dioceses. A common trait in their feedback is their appreciation for the strong sense of belonging and dedication to the Church displayed by the Goan Catholic diaspora.

My appeal to my fellow-Goans all over the world is to continue to remain rooted in the rich legacy of faith which has been handed on to us by our ancestors and which we are called to pass on to future generations. 

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