Goa Legislative Assembly Speaker Ramesh Tawadkar on Saturday flagged off the train carrying the 50 students who headed to Jharkhand as part of “AKAM-EBSB: Visiting of students to paired states” under the banner of Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav and Ek Bharat Shreshtha Bharat, Ministry of Education programme.
Under this programme, around 25 students from higher education and 25 students from school education along with four staff coordinators have left for Tatanagar, Jharkhand. They will be in Tatanagar, Jamshedpur from December 5-9. The itinerary includes visit to Russi Modi Centre of Excellency, Zoological Park, Dalma wildlife sanctuary TSRDS, Tata Football Academy, Tata Steel Plant, Dimna lake and various other places in Jamshedpur.
Interaction with an eminent sportsperson is also planned. They will be visiting handicrafts and will be introduced to Jharkhand traditional cuisine. They will be participating in tribal dances of Jharkhand.
The students will return to Goa on December 11, 2022. Furthermore, 50 students from Jharkhand will be visiting Goa under this exchange programme in the month of January 2023.
The program facilitates the students’ visit to their paired State and Union Territories promote cultural exchange. All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), New Delhi is the implementing agency for this program on behalf of Ministry of Education, Government of India.
Goa College of Engineering has been selected as a Nodal Institution by AICTE and the only college in Goa responsible for conducting the program “AKAM-EBSB: Visiting students to paired states.” The paired state for Goa is Jharkhand, and the respective paired institute is Jamshedpur Women’s College.