PANAJI: Taking serious cognisance of rising stray cattle menace, the State government has warned to take penal action against those dairy farmers, availing various benefits towards dairy, if animals purchased under the schemes like Kamdhenu and Pashupalan, found straying in public places or roads.
Addressing press conference, Director of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Services Nitin Naik said that the department will recover the entire amount availed under various schemes, in toto and also impound the animal.
Naik said that the number of stray cattle are increasing despite impounding of the animals found on the road, thus causing traffic congestion and also number of accidents, including fatal, taking place involving these animals.
“Any animal found on the public places or road unattended to, shall be impounded immediately by the concerned authorities," he said
“Any animal purchased under the schemes of the department, namely Kamdhenu and Pashupalan, found to be straying at the public places or roads than the entire subsidy will be recovered from the farmer in toto," Naik added.
The department further said that any animal belonging to the farmer or beneficiary availing various other welfare schemes of the department including milk incentives, dairy equipment scheme, would be sent to Ghaushallas.