Health crisis worsens among migrants at Cutbona jetty



The fishing jetty of Cutbona and the fish landing centre at Mobor on the other side of River Sal has been hit by an outbreak of cholera and diarrhea amongst migrant workers employed on the fishing vessels.

Even as Health officials are battling dengue at the Cutbona fishing jetty, around 50 cases of cholera and diarrhea have been reported at the Cutbona fishing jetty and the fish landing centre at Mobor.

State Epidemiologist Dr Utkarsh Betodkar confirmed to The Goan that a total of 50 cases of cholera and diarrhea might have been reported at both Mobor and Cutbona in the last fortnight. “Yes, there is an outbreak of cholera and diarrhea amongst the migrant workers employed at the at the fishing jetties of Mobor and Cutbona”, Dr Utkarsh told The Goan.

He pointed out that health teams, along with the officials of the Chinchinim Primary Health Centre having jurisdiction over Mobor area and the Balli Primary Health officials are presently holding health education programs at both the jetties to stop the spread of the disease.

“Both cholera and diarrhea cases are presently restricted to the migrant workers working on the fishing vessels. Since they are all working on the fishing vessels, the disease might have spread amongst the workers”, he said.

The State Epidemiologist cautioned that one way to contain the disease from spreading is to ensure total hygiene amongst the workers. This assumes significance and comes against the backdrop of the fact that the migrant crew workers employed on the fishing vessels have limited sanitation facilities on both sides of the river Sal at Mobor and Cutbona.

Both the Cutbona fishing jetty and the Mobor fishing landing centre are separated by the River Sal.

Sources said the disease might have been transmitted amongst the workers when they call on their co-workers on the other side of the river. “The health teams had a briefing with the boat owners as well. Since dehydration is common during cholera and diarrhea, the health teams have impressed upon the workers to take ORS to keep them hydrated”, Dr Utkarsh said, while saying that the prevailing situation is indeed a matter for concern.

Balli Primary Health Officer, Dr Benedita Dias along her team of officials descended at the Cutbona fishing jetty on Monday, which has been struck by dengue amongst the migrant fishing crew workers.

Dr Dias informed that the health team have impressed upon the boat owners to take measures to ensure that diarrhea does not spread to other workers. “We have insisted on basic hygiene amongst the workers at the jetty”, she said.

Around six migrant workers were affected by dengue at the Cutbona fishing jetty in the last few days, with the workers hospitalized at the Balli PHC for treatment.

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