Tuesday 25 Mar 2025

Homes turning into biz outlets at Porvorim’s Housing Board Colony


A growing number of Low Income Group (LIG) and Middle Income Group (MIG) houses in the Housing Board Colony are slowly being converted into business establishments in Porvorim.

In a recent case, one MIG house near the New Market Complex has been converted into a restaurant even though there are complaints from neighbours in the area. The restaurant is located close to the road and since it has no parking space of its own, customers will have to park their vehicles on a sharp turn, which has witnessed a number of mishaps in the past.

“Around 50 years ago when this Housing Board Colony was developed, it was a quiet place. There were only small houses and a market. Now, this colony has become a commercial hub. Small LIG and MIG houses have been demolished under the name of house repairs and have been converted into multi-storied buildings,” complained a resident who stays near the market complex, while speaking on condition of anonymity.

“The location of this new restaurant will cause traffic problems as it is located at a sharp turn. The panchayat should not have given permission for this restaurant. We understand the owner of the restaurant has political connections and may soon get permission to operate a bar in this restaurant,” said the resident.

When contacted, a source at the Porvorim Primary Health Centre confirmed having received complaints from neighbours of the restaurant. “Neighbours fear that dirty water from the restaurant will be released in the gutter and during rains this water will start flowing on the road. Hence, the PHC has not given permission to this restaurant as yet,” said a source.

Penha de Franca Sarpanch Sapnil Chodankar said the panchayat had received an application from the owner of this restaurant.

“The owner has sought permission for a bar and restaurant. But the panchayat has refused permission for a bar as it is located in a residential colony. They have been allowed to operate as a restaurant only,” said Chodankar.

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