Saturday 06 Jul 2024

Inspection reveals access to farmhouse within 100 mts of Monte Chapel zone

THE GOAN NETWORK | JUNE 26, 2024, 12:22 AM IST
Inspection reveals access to farmhouse   within 100 mts of Monte Chapel zone

Officials of the Department of Archaeology and the TCP present for the site inspection of the access road that was being built to a farm house near the State monument, the Our Lady of Mount Chapel at Old Goa.

Photo Credits: Manuel Vaz


The inspection of the Department of Archaeology has revealed that the access road to a farmhouse falls within 100 metres of the State protected monument, the Our Lady of Mount Chapel at Old Goa.

The inspection was done on Tuesday after complaint by Old Goa local Glen Cabral over the access road being built within the heritage zone of the State monument.

Exploration Officer Deepika Bhomkar and Conservation Assistant Sumesh Mahale represented the Department of Archaeology at the inspection.

Complainant Glen Cabral, activist Mariano Ferrao, architect Tahir Noronha, Monte Chapel committee members and others were present.

Speaking to The Goan after the inspection, complainant Cabral informed that it was found that the area where the access road was being built is actually within 20 metres of the heritage zone.

“The Archaeology Department will now write to the relevant authorities like the North Goa Collector, Tiswadi Mamlatdar, the TCP department and other authorities citing that the area falls within the heritage zone of the State monument,” Cabral stated.

Meanwhile, the TCP department officials who also were present for the inspection were also informed by the complainant and others that the access road was built after trespassing into the church property.

“The access road was being built through the church property as is evident from the Regional Plan. The property where the farmhouse is sought to be built is actually land locked and has no access,” Cabral informed while adding that the TCP officials have now decided to issue show-cause notice to the party concerned for misrepresenting facts.

On part of the TCP, dy town planner Ashok Kumar, draughtsmen Diukar and Bernard were present.

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