Denying his involvement in the ongoing Bhutani project controversy, Panchayats Minister Mauvin Godinho has said legal opinion has been sought and that, the State government would act with caution and make an informed decision in the matter.
Speaking at the inauguration of a 12-mtr highmast at Bogmalo beach parking on the eve of Diwali, Godinho addressed concerns surrounding the matter.
“Law has to take its own course, and the courts are there to check on any illegality,” said Godinho.
Godinho revealed that a thorough legal opinion has been requested, encompassing “all the facts, documents, and past and current permissions.”
He explained that this advice would come from the Advocate General and two other legal experts.
“Thereafter, the Panchayat can take a decision on the revocation of the licenses issued to Bhutani,” he clarified.
“Ultimately, the government, including the Panchayat, will take the right decision. We have sought legal opinion from the Advocate General. What’s the hurry to take a decision by pointing a gun at somebody or under pressure? This government does not operate that way,” insisted Godinho.
Amid an ongoing controversy over the proposed project, Godinho suggested that some parties were using the situation for political leverage.
“The agitation has been called off, but there are some people who want to make politics out of the issue. These people see me throughout the day and even in their dreams, taking my name 24 hours a day without my involvement in the issue,” remarked Godinho.