Locals seeks action over release of chemicals in Curti Nullah

Suspect 3 factories to be responsible for pollution

The Goan Network | FEBRUARY 11, 2024, 11:35 PM IST


The release of harmful chemicals into the Curti nullah has escalated.  Locals assert that agricultural land from Bethora to Bandora remains  fallow due to these substances, yet the government has not acted against  the responsible factory.

The locals suspect that three factories outside Bethora industrial estate are releasing harmful chemicals in this nullah. They have complained many times to the Bethora panchayat, and the panchayat has written to the Pollution Control Board to do a joint supervision, but no action has yet been taken in that direction and the Board has not given any consent for this. The Panchayat has been told that the pollution board officials had checked the nullah last year on June 22, July 7, and July 12.

Bethora industrial estate does not have any factory that is using harmful chemicals which is what makes the issue suspicious. That’s why the locals are asking for joint supervision because they suspect that harmful chemicals are being released by the factories outside Bethora industrial estate.

Bethora Sarpanch Madhu Khandeparkar stated that many people in the locality have complained that harmful chemicals are being released in the nullah, and the panchayat wrote to the Pollution Control Board to do a joint supervision. He appealed that this issue has to be taken seriously by the Board and resolved.

Curti Sarpanch Harish Naik stated that the panchayat has been complaining to the local Bagayatdar Pollution Committee regarding the pollution of the nullah for the past 14 years. But no action has yet been taken, claimed the Sarpanch. He added that this is why the nullah water is being contaminated and the release of the chemicals has not stopped yet. The harmful chemicals kill the fish and other life in the water.

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