Sanguem Police on Friday arrested Pradip Bhagwan Jamadar of Pune-Maharashtra in connection with the alleged duping of Sanjivani Sugar Factory to the tune of Rs 5.10 crore in 2017.
Though six years had passed since Jamadar had allegedly duped the Sanjivani Sugar Factory, the Sanguem Police had been searching for the whereabouts of Jamadar and finally succeeded in nabbing the accused on Friday. The accused is presently lodged at Colvale jail.
Sources informed that the Sanjivani Sugar Factory had paid a lump sum of Rs 5.1 crore to the accused to get labour for harvesting sugarcane production in the State in 2017.
However, soon after having released the funds by the Sanjivani Sugar Factory, the accused Pradip Bhagwan Jamadar disappeared and his whereabouts were not known.
It was not known under what circumstances the officials had paid the whopping sum of Rs 5.1 crore in one instalment as against the payment of dues in instalments.
Given the arrest of the accused, it will now throw light as to who was responsible for making the huge payment in one instalment and on whose guarantee the payment was made.
The arrest of Jamadar was possible due to efforts and investigation by PSI Gokuldas Gaonkar and Constable Mahesh Parab under the supervision of PI Pravin Gawas.