Saturday 15 Mar 2025

New academic year to kick off from April 7



In a significant change, the upcoming Academic Year 2025-26 is set to commence from April 7 instead of April 1, as the government has proposed to grant one week break between the end of the existing term and start of the new academic term.

The State government has formulated draft Rules under Goa School Education Act, 1984 as per which the academic year for Class VI to X and Class XII will commence from April and end in March, while for the students of Class I to V and Class XI, the term will start from June and end in April.  

“Provided that there shall be a break of one week between the end of the academic year and the beginning of the new academic year for this category,” stated the draft Rules. The government has invited public comments on the draft rules.

The ongoing Academic Year 2024-25 is set to end on March 30.

This new adjustment in the academic calendar will align the State board schools with the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) calendar, where the academic year commences in April and ends on March 31.

The government has said that the academic year may be suitably divided into terms by the Director of Education, by issuing an order in that behalf.

The draft rules has proposed summer vacation for all classes from May 1 for a period of 5 weeks or as specified by the Director of Education.

According to the proposed Rules, there will be a break of three weeks in the month of October or November and/or both, to fit in with the Diwali and not more than one week for Ganesh.

“Provided that loss of actual working days on account of this break shall be made good by proportionately reducing the discretionary holidays,” it said.

The annual Christmas vacation will be from December 24 to January 2.

As reported earlier, considering the summer weather, in April the classes will be conducted up to 11.30 am.

This transition aligned with National Education Policy is expected to facilitate timely completion of the curriculum. 

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