Tuesday 24 Sep 2024

Pernem fish market flooded due to heavy rainfall; Vendors & customers face hardships

| SEPTEMBER 24, 2024, 12:19 PM IST
Pernem fish market flooded due to heavy rainfall; Vendors & customers face hardships

Panaji: The Pernem fish market was severely flooded after hours of heavy rain, highlighting the ongoing challenges of the receding monsoon in Goa. Fish vendors, particularly local fisherwomen, faced tough conditions as they attempted to sell their catch in a market submerged under water.

Local vendor Jotsna Kamulkar voiced her frustration, explaining that they had raised concerns about the market's poor condition long before the monsoon season. She stated, "We urged the municipality and local leaders to fix these problems, but nothing significant was done. Now, we are forced to sell fish in this flooded water." 

The heavy downpour led to rapid waterlogging, making the market nearly impossible to navigate. This situation not only affected the vendors but also contributed to traffic congestion in various parts of Goa, as the rain caused difficulties for all.

Fisherwomen and other vendors have urged the government and local authorities to build a new fish market that can withstand such weather conditions. They believe that better infrastructure is essential to protect their livelihoods and ensure safe working environments. 

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