Personal motive likely behind murder of Karwar businessman: Karwar SP

| SEPTEMBER 27, 2024, 01:01 AM IST



Karwar Superintendent of Police Narayan M on Thursday stated that while the motive behind the murder of Karwar businessman Vinayak Naik is still unclear, it appeared there could be a personal angle linked to the murder.

Addressing a news conference in Karwar, he said the case has become more complicated after the main suspect in this case, Guruprasad Rane, had been found dead in Goa.

He informed that the Delhi Police with the assistance of Railway police had arrested Ajmal Jabir and Masum Manjur from Bihar in connection with the murder of Vinayak Naik.

A third accused, Lakshya Jyotinath from Assam, who was working with Guruprasad Rane in Rane’s company, was arrested by Goa Police at the Goa Airport, he added.

The Karwar SP said the two accused from Bihar were reportedly paid Rs 50,000 each and were asked to leave Goa.

Accordingly, they both left for Delhi from the Margao railway station. Similarly, Lakshya Jyotinath was paid Rs 50,000 and was asked to leave Goa. However, he was arrested at the Goa airport while he was trying to leave the state, said SP Narayan M.

He stated that all the accused had entered Karwar from Goa with a Goa-registered car without a number plate to commit the murder.

Police had found out during the investigation that Guruprasad Rane had hired this car two days prior to committing the murder.

During investigation, it was found this car was being used by Lakshya and hence, Lakshya was arrested in this connection.

SP Narayan M further mentioned that there could be a personal motive and hatred behind the murder of Vinayak Naik.

“We have not yet interrogated anybody from the families of the accused. But with the death of Guruprasad Rane, it has become difficult to ascertain the truth. Now Lakshya is being interrogated as he was close to the deceased Guruprasad Rane, but he has not revealed anything so far,” said SP Narayan M.

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