Political parties race to help flood-hit in Sattari

Volunteers distribute food parcels and essentials

THE GOAN NETWORK | JULY 26, 2021, 01:01 AM IST
Political parties race to   help flood-hit in Sattari

Pulses being distributed to the flood victims in Valpoi.


As the flood waters in Sattari taluka have begun to recede leaving a trail of collapsed and damaged houses in its wake, political parties have converged on the taluka with aid for the flood victims.  After the BJP, the Congress and Aam Aadmi parties' workers also arrived with relief material for the homeless.  Many social organizations have also taken the initiative to bring aid to the people which was seen throughout the day on Sunday.

Local MLA and Health Minister started helping the flood victims at his own expense.  Health Minister has clarified that so far 4,000 food packets have been distributed in many places in the taluka.  Similarly, the Health Minister has clarified that this assistance will continue till the critical situation abates.

Goa Mahila Congress President Bina Naik, Valpoi Constituency Congress President Roshan Desai and Social Media  chief Roshal Fernandes and other women activists distributed pulses to the homeless families.  In many places, parcels were delivered directly to the houses.  Pulses have been distributed in Kudshe, Dabos, Valpoi, Khadki, Advoi, Vante, etc.  

Many have been rendered homeless by the deluge and their problems are very serious, said Roshan Desai while talking to the press. Rations have been distributed to about 300 people by the Mahila Congress .Roshan explained that other forms of help would also be provided when its possible.

Meanwhile, the Aam Aadmi Party also distributed pulses in many places in the constituencies. In Sattari taluka, Nagargaon, Savarde, Valpoi, Guleli, Khotoda, Bhironda Panchayat area, many AAP party workers visited flood victims' houses and distributed essential items.

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