PWD-NH unmoved over inundation of Benaulim, to construct bypass sans stilts

THE GOAN NETWORK | JULY 18, 2022, 12:35 AM IST
PWD-NH unmoved over inundation of Benaulim, to construct bypass sans stilts

Even as the Water Resources Department (WRD) has come out with damning revelations on the flooding in the flood plains of Benaulim, along the alignment of the western bypass, the PWD, National Highway appears unmoved over the inundation of Benaulim on July 5-6.

In fact, when The Goan called up the Executive Engineer, PWD-NH Dattaprasad Kamat to shed light on the large scale flooding in Benaulim for the first time in years, he said the PWD will go ahead with the construction of the bypass through Benaulim on earthen embankments.

“The government has already accepted the recommendation of the 10-member NGT-constituted expert committee to build the bypass on stilts at the 980 stretch between Seraulim and Mungul. The court too has accepted the recommendation made by the expert committee,” Kamat said, adding that there’s no proposal from the PWD end to recommend construction of the bypass on stilts on the balance stretch as well.

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