Wednesday 12 Mar 2025

P’yat Director says Gram Sabha exceeded authority in Sunburn row

The Goan Network | DECEMBER 19, 2024, 12:53 AM IST


As the High Court of Bombay at Goa on Wednesday resumed hearing opposition to hosting the Sunburn festival in Dhargalim, the debate centred around the binding nature of a gram sabha resolution opposing the event and the extent of the panchayat’s authority in granting permissions.

The petitioners, representing a section of Dhargalim residents, argued that the gram sabha’s resolution explicitly disallowing the event should be binding. “People have voiced opposition to this event, more so because it has been surrounded by controversy due to dubious activities,” the petitioner argued before the Division Bench of Justice M S Karnik and Justice Nivedita Mehta.

However, the Director of Panchayat contested the resolution’s validity through its written submission, stating that the gram sabha overstepped its jurisdiction.

“The gram sabha has restricted powers under the law, and the authority to grant or deny permissions rests with the Panchayat body,” it submitted.

The respondent also pointed out procedural lapses, claiming that no notice was served to the parties affected by the resolution before it was passed. “Without issuing notice or giving a hearing to the concerned agency or persons, how could the gram sabha pass such a bold and sweeping resolution?” it argued.

The petitioners further elaborated on the broader public opposition to the event while referring to a massive protest by the villagers soon after the venue announcement.

 The High Court has scheduled further arguments for Friday.

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