The Anjuna police nabbed the suspect who had stolen Rs 2.25 lakh from the locker of a restaurant in Assagao. The 22-year-old suspect, Ashish Pratap Singh, who hailed from UP, had stolen the cash on October 5 at 8:30 pm last year.
The manager of the restaurant, Abhishek Shetty, on behalf of the owner Pranay Mehra, has registered a complaint with the police. Based on this complaint, the police had registered an offense against the suspect under the IPA section 381.
The suspect was working in the restaurant as a cashier. He opened the locker of the restaurant on October 5 and went missing with the cash, Rs 2.25 lakh. When the police were informed that the suspect is in Greater Noida, the Anjuna police, with the help of police from Greater Noida, nabbed the suspect and arrested him. Further investigation is ongoing.