Thursday 19 Sep 2024

Soon, earn additional discounts when you pay your electricity bills online



Electricity consumers in the State are poised to enjoy additional incentives for paying their bills online, thanks to new guidelines issued by the Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission (JERC).

According to the latest notification from the JERC, consumers can now receive a rebate of up to 0.5 percent on their electricity bill payments if they opt for online payment methods.

This new directive applies to both low-tension and high-tension consumers, with rebates of 0.5 percent for low-tension consumers and 0.25 percent for high-tension consumers.

In addition to this, the JERC has introduced a new set of regulations that also mandate financial penalties on the electricity department for failing to meet service delivery timelines, especially with regard to power outages and bill delivery.

If the department is unable to supply electricity within the stipulated time as specified under the Supply Code Regulations, it will be liable to pay a penalty of up to Rs 500 per day for each day of default.


The new JERC notification has sparked questions about how this rebate will coexist with the existing discount scheme provided by the Goa Electricity Department.

Currently, the department offers a 1.25 percent discount for consumers who pay their electricity bills online at least seven days before the due date.

This includes a 0.25 percent rebate for payments made within seven days of the due date, as well as an additional 1 percent discount for payments made electronically.

An official from the Goa Electricity Department commented on the new JERC guidelines, stating, "We have already been offering a rebate to consumers for online payments. In fact, we offer a 1 percent discount for online payments made seven days in advance. We will have to closely examine how the new directions from JERC will align with the existing scheme."

At present, the department’s discount programme is available exclusively to low-tension domestic and commercial consumers, the low-income group, and low-tension agricultural users, including those using pump sets and irrigation systems.

The new JERC notification raises questions as to whether the newly announced rebate will be an additional benefit or will replace the existing structure.


The new JERC regulations also address the issue of billing delays, requiring the department to offer compensation to consumers if there is a delay of more than 60 days in serving electricity bills.

In such cases, the department must provide a rebate of 2 percent to affected consumers. This provision is aimed at ensuring better service standards and accountability from the electricity department.

With these new regulations, the JERC is not only incentivising digital transactions but also seeking to improve the overall service quality in the power sector.


MAPUSA: In another significant move, the JERC has also outlined a specific timeline for providing new electricity connections to consumers.

According to the commission's directive, consumers in metro cities can expect to receive their electricity connections within three days of submitting a complete application.

Urban areas have a deadline of seven days, while rural areas are given a timeline of 15 days.

In the case of rural islands, the connection must be provided within 30 days.

"It’s ok in areas where the electricity connection is received through underground cabling. In areas where connections are still provided through overhead lines, it is not always possible to meet these timelines," explained a department official.

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