Saturday 01 Feb 2025

South Goa police launch PRAYAAS initiative

South Goa police launch PRAYAAS initiative

Women’s rights activist Auda Viegas addressing at Davorlim on the occasion of the launch of Goa Police initiative Prayaas on Tuesday.


The South Goa police launched the PRAYAAS initiative in the district in Davorlim on Tuesday, wherein the villagers were explained the salient features of the schemes in respect of community policing initiatives in slums etc.
In fact, Sub-Divisional Police officer, DySP Shivendu Bhushan explained to the residents of Davorlim about the different components of PRAYAAS i.e. Know Your Neighbour, SAMADHAN, awareness on crime prevention, health check-ups, drug de-addiction, career counselling and conducting sports activities as a holistic approach to tackle criminal and nefarious activities in slums.
On the occasion, Maina Curtorim police station in-charge, PI Ravindra Dessai explained to the residents about policing including tenant verification.
Peter F Borges, Chairperson GSCPCR talked about issues concerning child rights in slum areas, while Auda Viegas, Coordinator One Stop Centre spoke about women-related crime prevention and reporting.
Gaurav Gaonkar, Joint Mamlatdar, Salcete dwelt at length about various government initiatives of employment and livelihood opportunities, while ZP member Paresh Naik shared various issues faced by the local population.
Davorlim Sarpanch Herculean Niasso highlighted areas where police intervention is required in the village, while Suraya Borges, Counsellor Drug De-addiction, Hospicio Hospital talked about the harmful effects of drugs consumption and way forward to counter the same.
Pushpa Sakhpal, Member Presentation Society (NGO) talked about the prevalence of AIDS in slum areas and preventive measures.
Suggestions were invited from the audience wherein they raised their grievances and also gave suggestions where they require police intervention for ensuring peace and their safety. 
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