Stinking water floods MMC building pavement once again

THE GOAN NETWORK | JULY 09, 2024, 12:25 AM IST
Stinking water floods MMC building pavement once again

Last year, the MMC building pavement was inundated by sewage water because of backflow of sewage water. The situation has come back to haunt the authorities this year too.


Overflowing sewage chambers spewed sewage mixed with water on the Margao Municipal building pavement since Sunday, emitting foul odour on the busy area.

The situation has only brought back bitter memories of the stinking environment in and around the heritage building last year during the monsoons, promoting Goa Forward Chief Vijai Sardesai to raise the issue on the floor of the House last year.

In fact, what had promoted the Fatorda MLA to raise the issue in the Legislative Assembly was the fact that the overflowing sewage was left unattended on the MMC building pavement for close to a month.

Margao Municipal officials, when contacted to shed light on the overflowing sewage chambers on the building pavement, pointed fingers at the sewerage department for the stink. “The MMC sewage chambers are overflowing not because of any blockage of our chambers, but due to back flow of sewage water through the chambers. We had witnessed the situation last year and it has come to haunt again this season. This only goes to show that the concerned authorities did not test the underground line”, remarked a MMC official.

Incidentally, the authorities had capped the two sewage chambers on the MMC building pavement with concrete last year. The concrete could not withstand the force of the backflow of water as a result of which the sewage was found lying on the footpath.

Pedestrians as well as visitors to the Municipal library have feared the worst given the nuisance caused on the pavement last year. They hoped the MMC will take action by barricading the pavement to stop pedestrians from walking on the affected portion and clean the pavement on a day-to-day basis.

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