Thousands of people will participate in the 7th Annual Walking Pilgrimage (Bhavarthachi Yatra) conducted by the Archdiocese of Goa and Daman at the Old Sancoale Church on March 9.
The pilgrimage will commence at 2 am from five designated centres: Bambolim, Neura, Cansaulim, Verna, and Vasco. At 5 am, there will be Adoration to the Blessed Sacrament in Sancoale conducted by the Desterro Parish, followed by the Eucharistic celebration, which will be presided over by Archbishop of Goa and Daman Cardinal Filipe Neri Ferrão.
The homily will be delivered by Bishop Simião Fernandes, Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Goa and Daman. The theme for this year's Walking Pilgrimage is “As Pilgrims of Hope, Let us proclaim the Good News.”
In a video message released by the Diocesan Centre for Social Communications Media (DCSCM), Cardinal Ferrão invited the Catholic faithful to take part in this significant event.
“This pilgrimage is more than just a physical walk. It is a journey of the soul to be undertaken in a spirit of penance and a powerful expression of our unity as the Church," said Cardinal Ferrão.
“In a world that is often restless, distracted, and aimless, we are invited to focus on what is needed most: to set aside time for prayer, personal conversion, and spiritual renewal.”
Archbishop Ferrão continued, “Let this pilgrimage be a moment of grace when we deepen our faith through prayer and reflection, renew our hope in God’s mercy, and strengthen our love by growing in compassion and service to others. For they will know we are Christians by our love."
He also addressed the youth, urging them to join with enthusiasm: “A special word to our young people: I urge you to walk this path with enthusiasm, intensity, and devotion. Let us come together as a synodal Church, walking together, listening to God’s voice, and opening our hearts to one another."
The Archbishop concluded with a call to action: “May this pilgrimage inspire us to be beacons of faith, hope, and love in our families, communities, parishes, workplaces, educational institutions, playgrounds, and just about everywhere.”
Speaking to The Goan, Fr George Ratos, Convenor of the Committee for the Archdiocesan Walking Pilgrimage, shared that this year's pilgrimage, falling in the Jubilee Year, will place a special emphasis on the Cross.
Each of the Centres will feature a Cross, inviting the faithful to begin their walk with prayer and to reflect on the significance of Christ’s sacrifice along the way.
“There will be scenes depicting the Passion of Christ placed along the route to remind the participants to focus on Christ,” Fr George explained.
"Even at the main venue, Old Sancoale Church, some scenes from the Passion of Christ will be presented to help the faithful reflect on His journey.”
Fr George also noted that there would be increased participation from parish youth and young people in general this year.
“After the Mass, when the faithful will be leaving in deanery groups, some will take the opportunity to sit in silence and reflect,” he said.
He further elaborated on the purpose behind these reflective moments: “The aim is to encourage the pilgrims to reflect, maintain silence, and spend some quiet time with Jesus. By depicting scenes of Christ's Passion, we want to provide a spiritual experience that helps deepen their connection to His suffering and sacrifice.”
The Archdiocesan Walking Pilgrimage began in 2019 on the first Sunday of Lent, organised to help participants understand the value of suffering, spread the joy of being Christian, seek God’s grace in difficulties, and encourage personal conversion.
The pilgrimage is held in Sancoale, in honour of St Joseph Vaz, a son of the soil, who walked in Sri Lanka sharing Christ’s message with the less fortunate. Archbishop Filipe Neri Ferrao offered this pilgrimage as an opportunity for the Church in Goa to walk with Christ, who first journeyed to Calvary for all.