Tourists jostle for parking space at Pernem's beaches

Bizmen forced to arrange for their own parking facilities


Photo Credits: [SPECIAL] Parking space, a major problem confronting beaches in Pernem taluka


At a time when Goa has been struggling to draw more tourists, limited facilities at many beaches in Pernem taluka have become a major problem that is challenging authorities and tourism operators alike.

A number of beaches in Pernem taluka have been confronted with a common problem of acute shortage of parking space.

In the absence of a proper parking lot at Morjim beach, vehicles are parked in a haphazard manner along the entrance to the beach. As a result, tourists find it difficult to park or remove their vehicles at the site and arguments are frequently witnessed among tourists.

Speaking to reporters, Mandrem Block Congress President Narayan Redkar said there is a rush of foreign and domestic tourists to the beaches in Pernem taluka, especially during holidays, which has created a parking problem.

“The government should acquire land and solve the parking problem. So far, the government has not initiated any steps, forcing private businessmen to arrange for their own parking facilities,” he said.

A taxi driver, Sanjay Kole, said they have submitted a memorandum to the Chief Minister, the Transport Department and Deputy Collector, demanding a taxi stand along the coastline.

“All our efforts have had no response so far. In the absence of a proper taxi stand, all taxi drivers have to wait for customers on the roadside or opposite hotels,” remarked Kole.

Morjim Sarpanch Vaishali Shetgoankar said a resolution demanding a parking facility at Morjim beach had been sent to the authorities concerned.

When contacted, Chief Minister Laxmikant Parsekar, who is also the MLA of Mandrem constituency, pointed out that it was necessary to have adequate space for parking vehicles.

“If land for parking space is made available, these problems will be solved. There are plans to acquire land for parking place at these beaches,” said the Chief Minister.

Similar is the situation at Arambol beach, but some residents have got together to address the problem.

“They have acquired land for a parking lot and fees are collected for parking of vehicles, thereby reducing the problem to some extent at the beach,” a resident told The Goan.

In a bid to provide a temporary solution to the parking problem, some businessmen running hotels and shacks along the coastline have arranged special parking in their private places.

“I have taken land on lease only for the vehicles of my customers. I had no option, but was forced to make this additional investment. If customers do not get proper parking place, they will move to another destination and we will lose our business,” said Nitin Jadhav, a businessman from Morjim.

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