Residents of Vidhyanagar colony on Saturday were surprised when works were being carried out to install two huge signboards on the highway near MES College junction.
Residents questioned who had given permission and why works were being carried out on a Saturday and Sunday when government offices are closed, especially after the contractor working on the signboards could not provide legitimate documents and answers to questions raised by the locals.
President of Vidhyanagar colony, Edward Fernandes speaking to the media said the works on signboards at the crucial MES college junction will not be allowed and people will come on the roads in agitation if the works are not stopped.
"Why is there a need for signboards at a junction on the highway. The signboard can risk the lives of people and several motorists that use the highway. Two huge signboards at Verna and the airport have crashed in the past and if these signages fall, they could kill people and damage vehicles. If at all, any permission is given to these signboards, we want it to be revoked and we will not allow installation of signages here at any cost. This road is used by a lot of students as well and we can't risk their lives over such huge signboards. Why is there a need to install signboards here and whom is it going to benefit?" said Fernandes.
Another resident, Ganesh Lamani, said that the signboards were not required and did not serve any purpose to the residents of the surrounding area.
"We had protested against the works some time back, but they have arrived here again. As per Highway guidelines, the signboards are supposed to be erected 15 to 20 metres away from the highway, but we wonder how permission can be granted to install a signboard on the highway. This is not correct and the permission has to be revoked immediately. I also request the government to intervene to remove the signboard and cancel the permission and not to favour a private party to install a huge signboard that will risk the lives of all the people," said Lamani.