Village p'yats of Ambelim, Telaulim and Velsao seek equal status for Romi Konkani

Rally behind movement for treating script on par with Devanagari

THE GOAN NETWORK | JULY 21, 2024, 11:53 PM IST


The gram sabha of the village Panchayat of Ambelim rallied  behind the ongoing movement for bestowing equal status on Konkani in Roman script.

At the gram sabha chaired by Sarpanch Alexander D’Silva, the members unanimously adopted a resolution demanding recognition to Konkani in Roman script as per the law.

Gram sabha member and activist Anthony D’Silva told the media after the meeting that the Ambelim gram sabha  has unanimously demanded equal status for Konkani in Roman script. “We have made it very clear that those demanding recognition for Roman script are not asking for alms, but are insisting on our rights granted by the Constitution of India”, Anthony told the media.

Sarpanch Alexander  said since both Hindus and Christians have been using Konkani in Roman script, the government should Amend the Official Language Act to mete out injustice to Roman lipi.  “The gram sabha were unanimous in their demand in support of granting equal status for Konkani in Roman script”, the Sarpanch added.


The gram sabha of the village panchayat of Telaulim on Sunday unanimously adopted a resolution in support of bestowing equal status for Konkani in Roman script.

The gram sabha chaired by Sarpanch Lena Coutinho saw the members saying that the villagers of Telaulim unanimously support the demand for official recognition for Konkani in Roman script.

The gram sabha members have told the Panchayat to forward the resolution to the government to bring an Amendment to the official language Act bestowing equal status on Roman Lipi.



The Velsao Gramsabha on Sunday concluded smoothly and swiftly, with villagers unanimously supporting all proposals presented by the panchayat body. The assembly, known for its usually prolonged and contentious meetings, passed two key resolutions without debate.

The first resolution opposed the Sunburn event, a popular electronic dance music festival, scheduled to take place in South Goa. The villagers voiced their concerns about the potential disruptions and cultural impact the event might have on their community. The second resolution advocated for equal status for Roman Lipi in the Konkani language, reflecting a growing movement to recognize and preserve the linguistic heritage.

Ward panch Jim Dsouza expressed satisfaction with the outcome, noting the collective agreement on the major issues discussed. 

"The major issues were regarding Sunburn and Roman Lipi status. We brought the issues before the people, who accepted them without any debates and discussions. Both resolutions were adopted unanimously. Other minor issues discussed included garbage management and house tax collections, as well as development projects. We hope that the people will unite in our efforts to bring good works for the village," said Dsouza. 

Former Panch and social worker Roquezinho D'Souza expressed happiness, highlighting the unusually peaceful nature of the meeting.

 "This Gram sabha was extremely peaceful and ended very quickly because there was no debate at all. It was the first time I have seen such peace during a Gram sabha meeting, where people stood united with the panchayat body. The people unanimously accepted the proposals and passed the resolutions. We pray that this precedent stays for the future and people unitedly agree on good proposals brought in for the betterment of the villagers. We hope to have more of such united and peaceful Gram sabha meetings in the future," said D'Souza.

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