Valpoi police has now booked 77 persons on charges of violence during the traditional Kalotsav celebration of Bhumika Temple in Poriem-Sattari on Wednesday, which caused injuries to around 40 persons, including 15 police personnel.
Police have stated that the number of arrests could go up, as investigations continued into the clashes between two rival Mahajan groups – Majik and the Rane-Gaonkar – over rights to conduct rituals at the temple.
After the violent clashes had been brought under control, the traditional Kalotsav was celebrated on Wednesday evening, followed by the Gawlan Kala festival on Thursday. The two festivals were celebrated amid a strong police force, which remained at the site throughout the night.
On Friday morning, the police force was withdrawn from the site as peace and normalcy had been restored around the temple premises. Valpoi police are, however, monitoring the situation to ensure that the clashes do not erupt yet again.
Bicholim DySP Jivba Dalvi said cases will be registered against all those involved in the violence.