Saturday 08 Feb 2025

Belagavi activists want Bennihalla River used for Hubballi-Dharwad region

Request govt not to divert water from Hidkal water reservoir or diversion of Mhadei

Belagavi activists want Bennihalla River used for Hubballi-Dharwad region

Activists Rajeev Topannavar and Sujit Mulgund while addressing media persons in Belagavi.

Photo Credits: Louis Rodrigues

In order to resolve the water scarcity issue looming large over Belagavi region and to cater to the need of Hubballi-Dharwad region, activists from Belagavi have urged authorities for the utilisation of Bennihalla River and not to divert water from the Hidkal water reservoir including the diversion of Mhadei.

The activists have also demanded a share of Bhandura Rivulet to Belagavi district if it is being diverted for the benefit of Hubballi- Dharwad region.

Bennihalla River is a tributary of the Malaprabha River located in the Gadag and Dharwad districts which, according to activists, can cater to the needs of the twin cities of Hubballi-Dharwad and other parts of North Karnataka region.

Noted activists Rajeev Topannavar and Sujit Mulgund were addressing media persons on Belagavi on Friday.

“Considering the growing problem of water shortage looming large in Belagavi city and the district if the water from Hidkal reservoir is supplied to the Hubli-Dharwad industrial estate, Belagavi region would face an acute shortage of water. Rainwater accumulating in large quantities at Bennihallla River basin should be utilised effectively by building a check dam and supplying it to the Hubli-Dharwad via Nargund and Navalgund,” said Sujit Mulgund.

Moreover, water from the sewage treatment plant that has been erected near Belagavi can be also diverted for Industrial use, Mulgund added.

Speaking to The Goan, activist Rajeev Topannavar said a large lake has been formed due to the accumulation of large amounts of rainwater at Bennihalla River near Gadag.

Instead of diverting Mhadei water which will also cause a huge damage to the ecology, by removing the silt from Bennihalla and building a check dam, the water will suffice the need of Hubballi-Dharwad industrial estate via Nargund and Navalgund.

“We urge Karnataka’s Minister for Industires M B Patil and Deputy Chief Minister Siddaramiah and Irrigation Minister D K Shivkumar to seriously consider both these options,” Mulgund and Topannavar appealed.

Members of Paryavarani and other green organisations have been demanding the utilisation of Bennihalla River water instead of diverting Mhadei water for the benefit of Hubballi Dharwad region.

According to activists, Bennihalla River is the closest and most economical and eco-friendly source of water for North Karnataka region. This project will prevent any damage to the Western Ghat ecology, Capt Nitin Dhond had opined.

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