The Economic Offences Cell (EOC) of Goa Police has registered an offence against Sukanta Bhowmik and Ajay Dodamani of an online games services company, on charges of duping a family from Curchorem into investing in crypto currency, presently valued at Rs 4.82 crore.
According to information received, Rupesh Bandekar from Curchorem filed a complaint stating that Bhowmik and Dodamani got the complainant and his family members into invest in the above company between July 15, 2017 and October 10, 2017.
The complainant invested multiple sums of money in the online games services company.
The company then invested 5.7558327 bitcoins in crypto currency and the complainant claimed his investment was valued at Rs 4.82 crore as per the current market price.
Taking cognisance of the complaint, Inspector Rajshad Sheikh, under the guidance of EOC Superintendent Arshi Adil and Deputy Superintendent Francis Corte, has registered a case against the two suspects.