Sports Minister Govind Gaude.
Photo Credits: Narayan Pissurlenkar/File photo
As Goa’s performance for the 38th National Games remained par below expectations- considering its unexpected show in the NG held in Goa in 2023 - wherein State had won a total 92 medals, the Sports Minister Govind Gaude has hailed the athletes for putting in a good show. However, Gaude has come down heavily on the sports associations accusing them of "lack of interest in sports and players".
After the Uttarakhand Games wrapped up, Shweta Kamat Mahatme of The Goan caught up with the Minister for a quick chat.
The Goan: How do you see Goa’s performance? How do you rate our athletes’?
Govind Gaude: I am no one to rate the athletes but I would like to congratulate them for putting in a best show and winning 12 medals for the State. I know, the number of medals has come down drastically, but one needs to understand that 38th National Games had only 35 disciplines as against 43 during the 2023 Games held in Goa. Out of the 35, Goa participated in only 18 disciplines and won 12 medals and I think that needs to be appreciated. Every State that hosts the Games, has different criteria set for selection of disciplines.
TG: Can you shed more light on this?
GG: See, some of the disciplines like pencak silat, sepak takraw, where Goa had won medals in 36th National Games, were not included in Uttarakhand Games. Also, a 150-member Goan contingent of 121 athletes (84 male and 37 female) participated in 18 disciplines this year, as against 900 in the 2023 Games across 43 disciplines. If you analyse, Goa continued to win medals in disciplines like modern pentathlon. See, it is important that rather than rating the performance of the athletes we need to see how much support they got from the associations, who are more into finances than sports. The players are selected by the associations. The minister or the government has no role in it.
TG: Do you mean to say that sports associations, including the Goa Olympics Association (GOA), are least bothered about sports and players?
GG: Let me give you a simple example. During the 36th National Games, the govt had sanctioned grants of around 15 crore to 35 state associations so that they could prepare adequately for the Games; however, the preparations started later than expected. Now, it’s been more than a year and most associations have not submitted financial bills and utilisation certificates. Unless they submit those, how can the government clear bills or sanction more amount? It shows your lack of interest in sports and players. Finally, being the Sports Minister, I am answerable to the public for the money spent. We are not here to distribute freebies. We have to follow the system. Associations cannot take us for granted and then go to the media and make statements.
TG: Did the associations fail to live up to the expectations?
GG: Looks like (that). It is they who select the players, they train them… we only provide financial support and infrastructure. We have built huge infrastructure for our players to get trained but if you are going to practise or start preparations just one or two months before the big games, then that won’t get us medals. Consistent practice makes a player perfect.
I don't want associations to give me reasons and excuses. I too want glory for Goa at national and international level. The government is ready to provide all support but there has to be accountability.
TG: You talk about infrastructure, but does the State has that infrastructure in place for our players?
GG: Yes very much. During my three-year tenure as Sports Minister I have assured that we built infrastructure for our players to prepare for national and international tournaments. We have built new as well as renovated the existing facilities… there were many which were shut and we opened them up. But these facilities shoudn't get rusty. They must be put to good use. We are ready to put in more money for additional infrastructure if required. But associations will have to come up with plans and we will help them to execute it. There has to be long-term planning. We have many athletes; they just need support and training.