In yet another incident involving a ferocious dog attack, a local resident, Vinil Salgaonkar, was injured after being attacked by a Rottweiler on Wednesday night. The owner of the dog has been booked in this connection.
The incident occurred around 10 pm, leaving the victim with deep bite wounds on his left leg.
Following the attack, Vinil was immediately rushed to the Siolim Health Center for medical treatment.
His brother, Sunil Salgaonkar, filed a complaint with the Anjuna police, alleging negligence on the part of the dog's owner, Sham Govekar.
According to Sunil’s complaint, the Rottweiler was left unleashed, and the owner failed to take adequate precautions to prevent potential harm to people. As a result, the dog attacked Vinil, causing physical and emotional distress to the victim and his family.
Sunil further emphasised that Rottweilers are known for their aggressive nature and are classified as a dangerous breed in some areas. Despite this, Govekar allegedly continued to keep the dog in an unsafe manner, posing a risk to public safety.
He also revealed that the same dog had previously attacked their sister, heightening concerns over its continued presence in the locality.
In response to the complaint, the Anjuna police have registered an offense against Sham Govekar under Section 291 of the BNS 2023, holding him accountable for public endangerment due to his negligence in handling the aggressive dog.