Past record at Cuncolim Industrial Estate sparks safety concerns amid new policy proposal for worker housing

The Industries Minister's announcement raises questions about illegal housing, hazardous conditions, and worker deaths

Past record at Cuncolim Industrial Estate sparks safety concerns amid new policy proposal for worker housing

File photo of joint inspection by Labour Department and Goa IDC that unearthed large-scale illegal accommodation of workers inside the Cuncolim industrial units.

Photo Credits: The Goan

October 9, 2020. A 22-year-old industrial worker lost his life when an ammonia gas tragedy struck the Cuncolim Industrial Estate in the dead of night. The worker was sleeping in a makeshift accommodation in an adjoining industrial unit when the ammonia leakage in a processing unit claimed his life.

The incident laid bare the illegal residential units set up at the Cuncolim Industrial Estate and the health and safety hazards faced by the workers housed in makeshift accommodations.

That’s not all. The Cuncolim Industrial Estate not only witnessed industrial blasts in the recent past but also reported deaths of workers employed in some of the units.

Mid-May, 2023: A joint inspection conducted by then Labour Commissioner Agnelo Fernandes with senior officials of the Goa Industrial Development Corporation unearthed large-scale illegalities wherein industrial workers were found accommodated inside the unit in flagrant violations of the industrial and labour norms.

Inspections by the health officials of the Balli Primary Health Centre also unearthed industrial workers living in unhygienic living conditions, contributing to vector-borne diseases in the Cuncolm Industrial Estate.

Industries Minister Mauvin Godinho’s plan to introduce a policy to formalise residential units policy has indeed thrown up a host of questions, whether it will take care of the health and safety of the workers residing inside the industrial estate and whether the policy is tailor-made for the industries, who find it difficult to get cheap accommodation outside the industrial estate.

Goa IDC proposal on similar lines in 2023

Godinho’s plans to introduce a new labour accommodation policy in industrial estates come after an attempt by the Goa Industrial Development Corporation last year to grant exemption to the seafood/ steel industries in Cuncolim Industrial Estate from the provisions of the Goa (Regulation of Land Development and Building Construction) Regulation 2010 to pave the way for accommodation of workers in these units operating in the industrial estate.

A proposal to this effect was scheduled to be placed at the GIDC Board before it decided to defer the proposal to seek exemption from the Goa government for the fish processing/steel industries from the purview of Clause 6A.3.1e of the Goa (Regulation of land Development and Building Construction) Regulation 2010.

The agenda note of the GIDC Board, which was highlighted by 'The Goan' in June, 2023 stated that the current regulations under The Goa (Regulation of Land Development and Building Construction) Regulation 2010 do not permit the residential quarters within industrial unit premises, adding that such provision is available only when the plot area is beyond 10,000 sqm as per Clause 6A.3.1(e).

Locals, critics question policy, oppose residential units in industrial estate

Amid concerns over illegalities at the Cuncolim Industrial Estate, local residents, NGOs, and legal experts are expressing scepticism regarding Industries Minister Mauvin Godinho's proposal to allow residential units within industrial zones.

The Cuncolim industrial estate.

Critics are questioning whether the initiative aims to legitimise existing illegal residential units or to facilitate new settlements in areas with increased Floor Area Ratio (FAR) without adequately addressing safety concerns for industrial workers.

Cuncolim-based social activist Dr Jorson Fernandes said plans unveiled by Godinho are suspect, more so when there’s no safety for the thousands of workers at the industrial estate.

“Godinho is talking about a policy to build residential units inside the industrial estate. What will be the safety of the thousands of workers accommodated inside the factories, many of which are hazardous? Let the Industries Minister come up with his policy and we will give a befitting reply,” Dr Jorson said.

He said Godinho should disclose the number of safety inspections conducted in the industrial estate and called for transparency regarding past incidents at these facilities. He warned against further interference in the estate's management, referencing Godinho's previous role as Power Minister.

Says senior High Court lawyer, Adv Cleofato Coutinho: “It appears the policy is to set up residential apartments within the estate. Every bit of Goa's land is used for commercial and residential purposes. Finally, the estates which are malfunctioning may become residential estates. If the estates are to house the workers it is extremely dangerous due to safety issues. This government cannot be trusted with such safety issues. Their gutter-level governance has brought cholera to Cutbona. The government cannot even get the benefit of doubt that they can take care of the safety of workers.”

Activist Roland Martins, who has been closely associated with health inspections at the Cuncolim Industrial Estate, expressed surprise over the plan to unveil policy on residential units in the industrial estate. “Prima face, it appears to be a real estate policy rather than a policy to accommodate the workers. Even assuming that the policy is to accommodate industrial workers right inside the factories, will the policy take care of the safety of the workers?”

Martins added: “Assuming a gas leakage takes place at the industrial estate, the first casualty will be the workers residing inside. We have had bitter experiences at the Cuncolim IDC.”

Cuncolkars fighting against pollution say the proposed policy to allow residential units inside Industrial estates is tailor-made for the fish meal, fish processing units, besides the steel units, employing hundreds, if not thousands of migrant workers, and who are presently accommodated inside the industrial estate.

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