Concerns grow over poor upkeep and risk of vector-borne diseases
The condition of the SGPDA retail fish market at Old Margao is deteriorating day by day.
Photo Credits: Santosh Mirajkar
With the condition of the SGPDA retail mega market deteriorating with each passing day due to lack of maintenance, shoppers have voiced their concerns about the state of affairs.
The stinking environment led elderly shopper and activist Mahesh Nayak to warn that shoppers face the risk of returning home from the market with vector-borne diseases, including dengue.
Fish vendors also criticised the deteriorating condition of the market, which was renovated in the style of the Dubai fishing market just under half a decade ago.
As the market entrance played host to stagnating and dirty water, shoppers expressed their anger towards the government and the SGPDA authority for failing to ensure the upkeep and maintenance of Goa’s largest retail fish market.
Mahesh Nayak lamented that neither SGPDA Chairperson nor Vasco MLA Krishna Daji Salkar, nor the members, had shown any interest in addressing the situation over the last two years. “Why should the shoppers and citizens suffer if there is some problem between the PDA and the fish vendors? Shoppers face the risk of getting affected by dengue and other vector-borne diseases by visiting the SGPDA retail market,” he said.
Another shopper wondered whether any agency was involved in the maintenance of the PDA fish market. “Shoppers are literally forced to lift up their pants, as the floor is always dirty with water stagnating in some places,” he added.
The fish vendors seemed to have resigned to their fate, pointing out that fish buyers seemed to have stayed away from the market due to the deteriorating conditions. “We find it difficult to make a living from selling fish. On one side, hundreds of illegal fish vendors are selling fish at the nearby wholesale fish market. And here at the retail fish market, shoppers do not come to buy fish because of the market conditions,” remarked a female fish vendor.