Tensions flared once again at Shree Bhumika Devasthan in Poriem as the annual Kalotsav festival witnessed violent clashes between the Majik and Gaonkar communities. The confrontation, sparked by disputes over ritual rights, escalated when the Gaonkar Samaj of Poriem-Sattari staged a protest, alleging police blockage from entering the temple. Over 30 people, including women, were injured in the violent altercations, with stones and chairs being thrown despite the presence of law enforcement. As tensions intensified, police were forced to withdraw from the area.
This disturbance comes after similar unrest in December, when clashes over temple rights led to the imposition of prohibitory orders, halting the religious ceremonies temporarily. Protests had erupted after villagers blocked the Sankhali-Chorla road, pelting stones at police, and injuring a Police Sub Inspector. The violence resulted in the temporary closure of the temple and restrictions on gatherings of more than five people until December 24.
District authorities lifted the prohibitory orders the following day, allowing the community to resume the two-day religious ceremony, with a strong police presence deployed to prevent further conflict. The situation stabilized after discussions between the various groups, with 11 out of 12 factions reaching a truce. Villagers expressed their commitment to participating harmoniously in future temple ceremonies.
However, the festering tensions resurfaced today during the Kalotsav, with both communities attempting to enter the temple's sanctum sanctorum. Police struggled to control the situation, particularly with the involvement of women, who were eventually stopped by women police officers. Despite the heightened security, stone-pelting incidents continued, leading to further injuries.
The situation is now under control as the religious festival proceeds under strict supervision.