Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar said that Karnataka was planting an ecological bomb in the form of the Kalsa Bhandura project. He assured that the State Government is keeping a close watch on Karnataka's move on Mhadei issue and necessary steps will be initiated in the interest of the State.
47 per cent of Goa's river basin is that of Mhadei. Wildlife and Western Ghats will be under threat. Kalsa Bhandura is an ecological bomb which Karnataka is planting," he said.
He was responding to senior Congress leader Pratapsingh Rane, who during zero hour spoke about fear and anxiety in the minds of people regarding Karnataka government filing a fresh affidavit in the Supreme Court regarding Kalsa Bhandura project stating that they have already completed the project. He sought to know the action government intends to take in the matter.
"There are certain issues which cannot be dealt with by dealing with State governments based on party lines. When any issue is in the interest of the State all MLAs have to be together. I will speak with Maharashtra on this and try to convince them on the issue. I will look at what is just and what is in the interest of Goa," he said.
Recalling that the issue was first brought up in 2002 when Karnataka took permission from Central government to divert 7 TMC water, stating that it was for drinking purpose, he said, We led a delegation to the Centre. I managed to convince the Centre that the Malaprabha basin was a surplus basin and got that order stayed.
If they (Karnataka) were sincere, they would have pumped the water for drinking. Now what they are doing is diverting the entire river. Our share of Mhadei is 78 per cent, Karnataka's is 18 per cent and 4 per cent is of Maharashtra", he said.
"We will bring the issue before the Tribunal. Since the matter is sub-judice I don't want to reveal certain things on the Floor of the House.
But what they have told the Mhadei tribunal and the affidavit they have filed before the SC are in complete variance," he said.