The attack on actor Saif Ali Khan at his Mumbai home has reignited concern about the threats faced by Indian Bollywood stars. This attack follows the murder of his close aide, politician Baba Siddiqui, by the Bishnoi gang in Mumbai. These incidents have sent shockwaves across the nation, prompting calls for stricter laws to ensure the safety of all. Some of Bollywood’s leading actors’ lives are in danger for various reasons including their nationality, the controversial films. Bollywood superstars are constantly in the spotlight, and because of their prominence, popularity, and beliefs, they frequently encounter security threats. While most of the big names in the entertainment industry often have their own security and personal bodyguards, sometimes that's not enough and the government has to intervene by offering various security categories. It is the responsibility of the government to provide an environment free from fear for artistes. Some renowned individuals prefer to employ their own personal security, whereas others depend on the safety offered by the government. Celebrities are increasingly facing security threats, so it is essential that the government take the required steps to guarantee their protection and shield them from harm.