Margao Municipal Council's persistent issues continue to worsen despite constant media attention. Authorities remain indifferent, neglecting urgent problems.
Once again, a fire has erupted at the Sonsodo garbage site, underscoring the council's inaction. Recruitment for office posts has been delayed for months, and maintenance efforts are poorly executed.
A fresh coat of paint was applied to the municipal building without repairing its broken window frames, with painting repeatedly interrupted over trivial matters.
Margao residents endure traffic chaos due to poor parking management. Visitors frequently park on roadsides outside shops and malls, obstructing others, while traffic police focus on helmet violations rather than issuing challans. The council and police lack recovery vehicles to remove illegally parked vehicles.
Beggars roaming the city disturb residents and tourists, with no action taken to address the problem. Additionally, many shops operate without paying taxes or holding trade licenses, often with local political support. The municipality, however, continues to collect garbage for free.
Businesses remain active in unsafe buildings marked for demolition, putting lives at risk.
It is high time the Margao Municipal Council takes decisive action to address these pressing issues and improve the city’s administration and infrastructure.