Goa govt’s ‘Extention Raj’

KG Vilop, Chorao | SEPTEMBER 18, 2024, 12:35 AM IST

The government granting extensions of service to some senior officers in an arbitrary manner must be reviewed. The extensions given to key officers amount to favouritism, make them subservient, and deny deserving senior officers the opportunity to reach the top. The unbridled powers of the executive demoralise the officers. It appears that the entire State government is running on a contractual basis. By making interim appointments to plum posts, many capable and eligible officers are not getting a fair chance to serve in these positions, which hurts the interests of Goa’s talent.   

After someone’s retirement, new officers should be given the opportunity to showcase their talents and capabilities. By not doing this, the government is discouraging talented officers on one hand, while on the other hand, by granting extensions, the government has made them targets of extortion by giving extensions to crucial posts in government institutions. By repeatedly giving extensions to officers, the government is doing an injustice to talented officers.  

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