It is a well-known fact that thousands of matka bookies employed by matka kingpins accept bets across the commercial capital, Margao along the lanes and by-lanes after paying the regular ‘’hafta’’ to the law enforcing agencies. The authorities concerned were criticized for not taking sufficient action against gambling. Matka bookies often target patrons near bars and restaurants, particularly post-working hours, exacerbating the gambling addiction problem. It often affects the low-income groups who view it as a quick way to get rich. Citizens highlight the need for more stringent enforcement of gambling laws to curb the flourishing matka operations in Margao and beyond. However, it is learnt that the matka bookies will now have to pay 'sopo' fees to the Margao Municipal Council or risk the attachment of the gambling tables by the municipal market inspectors. MMC is obviously eyeing revenue from matka gambling activities. Other civic bodies could follow suit. The question that arises is whether this is a step towards legalizing matka gambling. If the matka bookies are paying the necessary “sopo” fees then there is no way that the authorities can put a stop to matka gambling.