Power outages even after maintenance work undertaken

ADELMO FERNANDES, Vasco | JULY 31, 2024, 08:57 PM IST

South Goa residents are reportedly up in arms over persistent power supply issues that have plagued them in recent days. Recently a major breakdown at the Xeldem power station has led to prolonged outage lasting for several hours. It must be said that power failures are synonymous with heavy rains. Heavy winds can cause significant damage to power lines. While wind can knock down power lines due to falling trees, heavy and continuous rain can damage insulations leading to blown fuses and power loss. Disruption in power is a significant challenge for homeowners and businesses that rely on technology and power to create products and serve clients. Computers, TVs and appliances can all experience an electrical surge once the power comes back on, damaging the equipment permanently. Commercial businesses rely on power to run supply chains. When lack of power hinders a business from delivering a product or service, that’s a significant loss of revenue due to decreased productivity. When maintenance work is being carried out as a pre-monsoon work by shutting down power for several hours, one wonders why there should be frequent power failures during the rains. 

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