Urgent revamp of Goa University need of hour

AF NAZARETH, Alto Porvorim | SEPTEMBER 19, 2024, 07:32 PM IST

This is with reference to the news report 'Goa voices concern over  GU's consistent slip in ranking' (TGE, Sept 19). That Goa University has failed to secure a place in the ranking of top 100 universities with a ranking of 151-200 for the second consecutive year, is a poor reflection on the functioning of the University and affiliated colleges. What it means in reality is that a graduate of Goa university is of a much lower standard than one from the other 100 universities. This is probably why 80% of our graduates feel diffident to appear for competitive exams and  find it difficult to get employed easily , with most of them failing the entrance tests conducted by recruiting companies. This calls for an urgent revamping of the syllabus, teaching methods and internal assessment in affiliated colleges of the university, on the lines of the other top ranking universities.This will not only raise the educational standards of the university  but also help to  instill confidence in the students to face fierce competition at the various public service commission exams and job recruitment centres after graduating.

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