Vaccine for cancer need of the hour

MELVILLE X D'SOUZA, Mumbai | MARCH 12, 2025, 08:18 PM IST

This is with reference to the report, "Govt launches 10-year study to diagnose causes of diseases - The Goan Everyday - March 12, 2025." Great piece of news  from the government. Very thoughtful step, considering that diseases are rampant in our country. Cancer for one, has been a deadly disease for the past so many years. And yet, man with all his intelligence, is unable to have a complete grip over this disease. Vaccines have been created for several other diseases even the highly trumped up  coronavirus-Covid found a vaccine in just a couple of months. Seriously, while undertaking medical research, they must use their intelligence and work on creating a vaccine for cancer. Treatment of cancer is not just a very expensive affair it shakes up the entire human system leaving one frail at the end of the day and drained of all his finances.

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