AI traffic management is intelligent money making

SRIDHAR D IYER, Caranzalem | MARCH 16, 2023, 08:32 PM IST

An artificial intelligence (AI) traffic signal management has been installed at Merces junction. As per reports, the system costs Rs 40 lakhs and set up by a Bengaluru-based company can observe, capture and e-challan traffic offenders. The revenue generated through fines will be shared in a ratio of 30 (government):70 (company). A dummy run for a month ‘caught’ 3,000 violators. The government plans to have 15 more of such AI systems in different parts of Goa. 16 systems would cost Rs.6.40 crore. Assuming an average of 2,500 traffic offenders per month at 16 locations the total offenders will be 40,000. Presuming a minimum fine of Rs 500 per month the income will be Rs 2 crores of which Rs 0.6 crores will be to the government and Rs1.4 crores to the company. In 5 months the company would have recovered (Rs7 crores) its capital cost and after 5 months will be laughing all the way to the bank.  Why cannot the government start with repairing the existing traffic signals, at least in Panaji, that are as ornamental pieces in different places?  


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