Thursday 19 Sep 2024

3 promising lives lost, Goa mourns

Irfan Iqbal Gheta, Bangalore | SEPTEMBER 18, 2024, 12:32 AM IST

It was a usual Saturday morning for three young women Sanika Kharbe, Priyanka Kharbe and Siddhi Shetkar when they left their home on their two wheeler. Nobody had an inkling of what was to come. Their fate had conspired against them. What transpired on that fateful Saturday morning at Mandrem sent shockwaves across Goa.  

This shocking accident at Mandrem has claimed three young lives that were full of ambitions, hopes and expectations. Needless to say, their family members and friends are devastated. These Goan roads have notoriously become highway to heaven. We have lost the count now with respect to the ever mounting death toll due to RTAs.   

When are the powers that be going to wake up and swing into action? How many more losses of innocent lives will jolt them out of their slumber and force them to take corrective measures so that future accidents can be averted? Having said this, who is responsible for the tragic and untimely deaths of these three young women who left their homes dreaming of a bright future on a typical Goan Saturday morning to never return? Did they bid adieu to their dear and near ones before undertaking that ill fated ride? May God rest their souls in peace. Amen.  

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