Thursday 19 Sep 2024

Driving on multi-lane freeways needs precaution

Adelmo Fernandes, Vasco | SEPTEMBER 18, 2024, 12:34 AM IST

There has reportedly been a huge spike in road mishaps with 1,800 reported from January till date and as many as seven fatalities in just 72 hours. It is pertinent to note that at several places across the state the roads have been widened and converted into multi-lane freeways. In response to transportation demands, multi-lane freeways are likely to be the trend of the future. In the past road accidents used to end up injuries but not now the number of road fatalities have spiked considerably.

Although collisions typically happen less frequently on highways than other roads, the chance of a fatality on the highway is much higher. Many people assume bigger highways are safer because they cut down on traffic congestion, but the exact opposite appears to be true. Goans may not be used to driving on a multi-lane freeway which requires several precautions.

When driving on a freeway, it is necessary to plan an itinerary ahead of time, especially if one is unfamiliar with the route. This is necessary to avoid undertaking a last-minute lane change or exiting onto a service road. Drivers need to turn on the signal before changing lanes and ensure that there is sufficient space to do so while never moving over more than one lane at a time. There needs to be separate lanes for heavy vehicles, cars and two-wheelers. It is necessary to steer lightly and not make any quick maneuvers when traveling at highway speeds. 

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