It is learnt that over a million litres of drinking water went waste after the valve of the main Selaulim water pipeline was damaged by a JCB machine at Paroda on Tuesday, disrupting water supply to Salcete and adjoining areas.There needs to be a permanent signboard next to the air valve. In another incident a pipeline which was ruptured at Guirim last week during excavation remains unrepaired leading to wastage of huge amounts of water. Ironically the government has advised the citizens to make judicious use of water when a large amount of water is going waste due to damage to water pipelines. It is necessary to always contact utility companies before digging to locate underground utilities and take necessary precautions during excavation. Incidentally, most reservoirs have reportedly hit the 50 per cent mark except for Selaulim dam in South Goa which remains relatively stable at 70 per cent capacity. And we are just at the beginning of a long summer season ahead with over two and half months left before the onset of monsoon.