Kids have to be educated about the impact of drugs

MELVILLE X D'SOUZA, Mumbai | AUGUST 22, 2024, 08:16 PM IST

This is with reference to the report, "Drug trafficking from metro cities hits new high in Goa - The Goan Everyday - August 22,  2024." It seems like the issue of drugs is assuming huge proportions. Yes, drugs is in reality a social evil and all steps must be taken to eradicate this evil. Drugs have destroyed entire families and continues to do so. This news report of drug trafficking from metro cities hitting a new high in Goa is cause for worry. School and college children fall easy prey to drug peddlers who could be operating from small mobile stalls outside schools & colleges. Besides the authorities taking steps to curtail the menace of drugs, children should be educated about the impact of drugs not only on their lives but on the entire family. We need to go to the root of this evil.

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