Recently the Goa Foundation conducted a series of courses including legal courses for interested people and activists. The objective of the former, I understood, was to better equip, educate Goans to fight legally for Goa's land, environment, hills, forests, trees, water bodies; all of which are being systematically devastated by specific commercial, real estate lobbies; all supported by a totally compromised and corrupt Goa government. First and foremost thanks to the Goa Foundation and all those who joined hands to educate others for this big effort from their side for Goa. From what I read through subsequent press releases and speaking to some who attended, there seems to be a lot Goans can do to salvage what is left of Goa; all that needs to be done is for more Goans and even like-minded non-Goans to join the cause. Recalling the words in the 2017 judgement of High Court Justices Gautam Patel and Nutan Sardessai who gave the famous call, "Goa is a land worth fighting for." I hope that the latter can be a mission statement for all Goans. May 2025 be a new beginning for the fight for Goa.