No genuine policeman will ask women to part with gold

JOSEPH SAVIO DESOUZA, Rajasthan | AUGUST 22, 2024, 08:15 PM IST

Innocent women face the threat by con artistes who portray themselves as genuine policemen, and commit theft of their jewellery. Unfortunately, we find that the victims don't even bother to ask for ID cards, but humbly remove their jewellery and hand it over to these thieves. It's remarkable to know as how easily these innocent women fall prey to these con artistes or fake policemen. However, these practices will flourish  as the civilians are not well acquainted with their local police stations. Therefore they are unable to make a difference between the real and the fake ones.

To work out a balanced solution which will ensure safety of the local populace, daylight patrolling ought to be increased at these specific locations which have become hotspots for these distressing encounters.  Combined operation by ladies such as always moving in groups would be a better fix for such type of road related thefts. Moreover, to avoid such type of harrowing experiences, the women can avail public transport system which is quite safe and economical too. Presence of mind and impromptu decisions are the hallmark of good defence.

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