After the cash for jobs scam in Goa, the BJP has done one better with the cash-for-vote scam in Maharashtra, it's a raging scamdemic orchestrated by the ruling party pan India. A BJP general secretary was literally caught red-handed in a hotel room in Mumbai allegedly distributing money to buy votes for the ruling party in the forthcoming Maharashtra elections. Two FIRs have been lodged against him, one for assembling with a crowd in a hotel in contravention of the model code of conduct and second for luring voters by offering cash and alcohol to them. Of course BJP has denied all charges and the gentleman in question has termed all charges as baseless. He has asked the Election Commission for an impartial probe, as per his version he was only discussing election related issues. Fat chance of him getting convicted since Maharashtra has a double engine sarkar. These Sanghis only aim in life is to win elections, by hook or by crook and then loot the people when they come to power. I hope the Apex Court takes suo motu cognizance of this matter and puts the guilty behind bars.