The Mapusa Municipal market once famous for traditional Goan produce and products was built in the year 1960. This was the first planned market in Goa with proper internal roads, footpaths, corridors and walkways for the people. The market was popular among the people of north Goa.
Due to increase in demand the market was extended by building numerous new shops. Separate blocks were also built for selling fish, vegetables and meats besides allotting sufficient open air space for pottery, fruits etc. As if these were not sufficient, more and more shops and stalls have been permitted to be set up thereby drastically reducing the internal roads and spaces and turning the well planned market into a disorderly one. On Friday, the weekly bazaar day, the situation is so bad that even walking in single file with loaded shopping bags becomes very difficult. A market is primarily meant for shoppers and customers. Their support helps business prosper. Therefore their interest and convenience should not be sacrificed or ignored. The municipal councillors and the concerned minister should visit the Mapusa market and resolve the problem of the people.