Wednesday 18 Sep 2024

Periodic hygiene audit needed at fishing jetties


With cholera sweeping the Cutbona and Mobor jetties in South Goa, five migrant workers have reportedly lost their lives while 163 have been infected so far. According to health officials around 4-5 persons are getting infected every day. It is learnt that there is a gross shortage of toilets at the Cutbona fishing jetty. In absence of proper sanitation the migrant workers could be relieving themselves along the sea front. Adequate number of toilets and bathing rooms need to be built. It would be in the fitness of things to have a Primary Health Centre in the vicinity of every fishing jetty in the state. The state government needs to conduct a regular hygiene audit of all the fishing jetties.  A hygiene audit will provide an insight into how the fishing jetties operate in terms of hygiene. The audit will provide a realistic assessment of how it affects the health of the workers. It also provides solutions to overcome or reduce the adverse effects due to unhygienic conditions. It will ensure availability of clean resources, maintenance of clean water supply and proper disposal of human waste.

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